'Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a digestive disorder that affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach. Many people, including pregnant women, suffer from heartburn or acid indigestion caused by GERD

I feel like the ppi will make it worse?

So I had an upper scope done and the doc said he saw nothing, no inflammation, no ulcers, no damage, "no reason for symptoms" were his exact words. But why do I still feel like something is in my throat and occasional burning. He wants me to take a ppi for 3 weeks. I don't know what to do. I feel like the ppi will make it worse. Any advice? Similar experiences?

ppi will make it worse


EKo Prast
same with me, i did endoscopy and everything looked normal, but i felt heartburn and stuck in my throat, my doctor told me its a reflux and he said my symptoms leads to gerd, i got ppi and prokinetic almost a month by now.

S L Underwood Kelly
Did the ppi work? How long are you planning on taking them?

EKo Prast
the ppi worked for heartburn, not really for stuck in my throad, im trying to minimalize my ppi usage by using also probiotic like yoghurt and drink some ginger tea twice a day, it helped me so much. I dont have any idea when, but i hope soon, im doing low acid diet also.

Penny Willow
Why do you feel the PPI will make it worse? Have you ever taken them ?

S L Underwood Kelly
I took them awhile ago and my symptoms worsened. And I just feel like lowering stomach acid is not going to help especially if i don't know the actual cause. What happens after the 3 weeks? I have not heard of anyone taking ppis for only 3 weeks and then everything's better.

S L Underwood Kelly
I took Nexium for a week in 2009 and felt worse.

Penny Willow
S L Underwood Kelly I think he’s just seeing if they DO help then it points to an acid problem regardless of the endoscopy.

S L Underwood Kelly
Penny Willow and if they do help, will I have to take them for longer than 3 weeks?

Penny Willow
if you want the symptoms to stay away I would say yes - unless you can do it by diet or something else.

Sanjeev Misra
Same question.. Have you used a ppi

S L Underwood Kelly
Awhile ago. Are you using ppis? For how long?

Sanjeev Misra
12 years now... Am looking at coming out now.

Related Post: What prescription strength medicine does everyone take for their GERD?

Sanjeev Misra
Ppi are generally safe... Don't get influenced by negative conversations here on the group..

EKo Prast
what kind of ppi that you take Sanjeev? omeprazole?
is it relieve you from any problem from acid reflux? i take pantoprazole everyday but i still got stuck in my throat...

Sanjeev Misra
I was on pantaprazole for about 10 years.. A year back I developed a vocal fold granuloma with LPR.

S L Underwood Kelly
I don't think they are unsafe, just illogical to me. Like not fixing a broken arm and just getting prescribed pain killers instead. What I'm hearing is that they dont heal, so how will a 3 week course help me. I don't want to be taking them for years because my stomach acid lowers and now my symptoms worsen and I can't stop taking them.

Sanjeev Misra
This was because I got lazy.. Sleeping after dinner or lunch sometimes on a flat bed..

Sanjeev Misra
Well you have fracture now... And you need surgery or a cast.. You can wean of the ppi and get on to dietary and life style changes

Sanjeev Misra
For me the pain due to acidity was really bad because of a hiatal hernia.. Ppi helped tremendously

Sanjeev Misra
This was long before we had Facebook groups

EKo Prast
do you feel stuck or any uncomfort feeling on your throat while taking ppi for these years? I'm trying to solve it by thinking about nissen, but im affraid its just a temporal solution like ppi...

Sanjeev Misra
How old are you and how long have you had LPR GERD.

EKo Prast
im 31, i got this for a month now.

Sanjeev Misra
Be patient.. Try lifestyle changes first.. Surgery should never be a immediate solution.

Ragmah Abrahams Jattiem
Take the ppi on empty stomache half hour before you have breakfast and go ahead as usual

Christine Leichtenstern
My doctor told me that for 2 years. It ended up being my gallbladder.

EKo Prast
what happened after 2 years? you have gallbladder problem?

Christine Leichtenstern
EKo felt like I was choking. Terrible heartburn, worse than normal. Right side pain. I stopped eating because I was scared to be in pain. Lost 17 pounds in 2 weeks. My gallbladder wasn't functioning. Had it out before my appointment as an emergency.

S L Underwood Kelly
Did you get a ultrasound to find out it was your gallbladder?

Christine Leichtenstern
S L ultrasound showed nothing. I had a HIDA SCAN which revealed a low ejection fracture. I had no stones.

EKo Prast
no stones means normal right?

Christine Leichtenstern
EKo not necessarily. Mine was very low functioning. Caused lots of pain and digestive problems.

Sam Walton
I developed GERD after having a really bad hormonal inbalance. Doctor put me on PPI’s which made me worse so I stopped taking them. My endoscopy also came back clear. I now see a naturopath and take Chinese herbs, strong probiotics and digestive enzymes and slowly feeling better.

EKo Prast
can you share your herbs, probiotics, and enzymes?
maybe i could try it...

Sam Walton
I have not got a clue what are in my chinese herbs as I can’t read the packaging. My naturopath gets them specifically made for my digestive issues and my hormonal inbalance. I buy my probiotics and digestive enzymes from a website called Bulk Powders, but I think any good quality ones should be the same.


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