'Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a digestive disorder that affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach. Many people, including pregnant women, suffer from heartburn or acid indigestion caused by GERD

GERD/Acid reflux or Silent Reflux or Dyspepsia

I have had months of unanswered questions but I finally an appointment to see a specialist on Monday, hopefully I will find out what exactly this is. This is what I'm going to tell him. I have been told by the doctor that I possibly have either GERD/Acid reflux or Silent Reflux or Dyspepsia. My symptoms are always clearing my throat, feel like something is tickling in my throat. I have also noticed in the past few weeks when I wake up in the morning my voice is a little raspy and I have what looks like phlegm at the back of my throat, it disappears though towards the middle of the day but it sometimes comes back. I get occasional stomach cramps around my belly button when I have certain foods and my stomach feels bloated and full sometimes for hours after I have eaten. I burp a lot and they always taste horrible and sometimes I even bring some contents of my stomach up but I'm never sick and there is no acid coming up or I would feel my throat burning and I don't. I have already had an endoscopy ages ago, they said I have mild gastritis and a small hiatus hernia. I had some PPI's for a short while so that probably cleared that up, then came off them because they made me feel quite nauseous. I don't really believe in taking prescription medications, so I've tried many natural options. Gaviscon helps sometimes and I take Rennie's and have chewing gum after my meals. I am so frustrated because I want to be told what I have so I can learn to live with it and discover ways to get rid of my symptoms naturally. I am 21, I'm healthy, I eat well, I'm the perfect weight, I exercise but I do suffer from anxiety. What do you all think I have? I'm so over this guessing game that the doctors are having with me. I just want to know now.


Becki Coke
Gallbladder maybe?

Emma-Jane Barlow
I got the all clear on the gallbladder. I also had the test for h plyori, that came back clear also x

Louise Churchman
Anxiety can trigger symptoms hunni since I've been having therapy for anxiety my sumptoms settled down loads xx

Everything you said describes me to a Tee with exception I do have ''the burn'' occassionally .... Im no expert but I'd say its definitely gerd, in your case silent reflux. Im glad you are seeing a specialist in a few days, please keep us posted on how that goes.

Wendy McMahon
I think it's time for another endoscopy to me it sounds like hiatus hernia and Reflux. All the best!

Emma-Jane Barlow
My anxiety comes and goes and so do my symptoms, I have noticed they are worse the more anxious I am but I can't get rid of anxiety, I've tried. There must be something the doctors can do. I won't give up until they sort me out.

Emma-Jane Barlow
I wouldn't want to go through that again Wendy. I had one without sedation (I was being brave) and it was traumatising. Besides, they have done it once, why would they have to do it again with just a few months in between?

Joy G. Hoover
i have been suffering with anxiety attacks since 1991, and then the gerd started a year ago and yes its worse when I am anxious or stressed

Joy G. Hoover
Just see your specialist on Monday and hopefully he can give you more answers.... My suggestion is start eliminating trigger foods and see if that helps any .

Emma-Jane Barlow
It just seems very unfair, a year ago, I had none of these problems. I'm young, healthy and I was happy, I have anxiety but I'm trying my best to control that, can't control the physical symptoms of it though.

Emma-Jane Barlow
I already know what he's going to say, I've seen him once before, The minute I mention the word anxiety he will jump to the conclusion that it must be that and I should go on anti-depressants to suppress my anxiety so my GERD goes away. I'm not depressed. I know exactly the conversation and how it will go because all doctors blame everything on anxiety and think taking a pill will fix everything!

Joy G. Hoover
Its very unfair that any of us are dealing with this, but we are.... we are diagnosed, tested, treated and in most cases surgery is an option , we learn our triggers and avoid them . Most of us here have anxiety issues too, so we also are attempting to deal with that also. Others have multiple issues they are dealing with too.... I still say eliminate triggers foods and see how you feel then.

Alandme Smith
Hernias don't fix themselves as far as I know..I bet you were controlling it but now it is acting up again.. Ask the doc about that, or read and see if they can repair themselves..

Emma-Jane Barlow
It is really unfair and I don't know why doctors don't do more to help us. It's hard to eliminate foods because sometimes it causes symptoms and other times it doesn't. I've already switched to lactose free milk because having milk on my cereal in the morning caused a lot of stomach cramps. I need to be tested for food intolerance maybe. That's another one to add to the list.

Emma-Jane Barlow
Well they never told me much about my hernia, they just said it was small and probably won't cause me any problems.

Alandme Smith
Joy did u see my post the other day where my ER visit resulted in them finding spots on my adrenal glands? Every illness,panic attack,GERD symptoms,periods of depression, fat around my belly, messed up menstrual cycle, hormones etc.. Are directly linked to adrenal glands.Lord if those spots are addressed and I get better and back to my old self again I am gonna sing it from the rooftops for everyone to get their adrenal glands checked for proper function..lol.Wish one small thing would fix us all!

Joy G. Hoover
Emma you are assuming what the doctor will say and in the same token you are stressing yourself which isnt helping your situation any better.... If you have a hernia it will not fix its self or go away, you need help for that. See the specialist , get the tests you need and the help... Start eliminating trigger foods such as citrus, fats, spicy foods, acidic foods, caffienne and this includes chocolate too. Stop fighting this and start working with it. http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/hiatal-hernia-diet-tips

Alandme Smith
Adrenal glands are two little grape sized glands that sit on each one of your kidneys and control almost every function of your body..including your thyroid function.. I had bad shortness of breath ,panic attack, feeling lightheaded with a weird flutter in my chest and almost passed out episode the other night and went to the ER and doc took 3 xrays and then did a CT scan with contrast dye and found them.. thank God he looked..

Joy G. Hoover
I wish my doctors would test that... Seems I wait for months for an appt and then they give me 20 mins at best and send me out the door... Im sick of it all! I need a specialist and none in this area, I will have to travel for hours to see one... I dont feel good and dont feel like traveling at the moment... plus that is a lot on a person in one day... 12 to 14 hours total on the road, going and coming back.

Steven George
Gerd makes me scared I cry because the way I feel sick :(

Joy G. Hoover
I know, it was scary for me in the beginning too Steven but as time went on I learned how to deal with it on most days and started avoiding the things I knew would cause a flare up

Joy G. Hoover
so far my worse trigger I cant seem to get past is coffee and cigarretes... I know I must stop smoking but its so hard to do especially with anxiety probs too. I also love my coffee but I am careful to not get crazy with it.... Now if only I could give up these dang cigs without my anxiety going bonkers on me

Steven George
OK joy I have it now for 3 months I have flare ups very easy so went to do endoscopy so awaiting the pH results

Joy G. Hoover
good luck Steven, I hope they get it all calmed down for you very soon

Steven George
Joy am scared never been so sick an guess that's what cause the anxierty.

Joy G. Hoover
I'm sorry Steven I wasnt online to reply back... I had anxiety for many years before gerd struck. But most my life I have had heartburn issues but I never knew anything about gerd till my first flare up last year.

Joy G. Hoover
just try to calm down Steven, because the more upset you get the worse anxiety gets and that causes gerd flare ups


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